Thursday, August 04, 2011

summer talks

I work at my writing on the porch. Isis sleeps on the wrought iron table. It’s okay – it’s an outdoor table. Like a place where you would have a picnic, with raccoons and squirrels jumping on and off.

Afternoon. Ed and I bike to the Oasis for coffee and stay there until closing. Paul, the proprietor gives us a leftover loaf of bread.

We go across the street to check out more DVDs from the library. A huge new supply has just come in. We leave with about a dozen. Probably two will be good.

At the Fitchburg farmers market, I’m thinking we should pick up another loaf of bread at La Baguette. We can use it tomorrow. They’re closing for a vacation and it seems criminal not to have a final chunk of bread from them now. But we come too late – they’re out of baguettes.

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How about if we get a raisin brioche? Ed asks.

I admire the market heirloom tomatoes. They look beautiful because of their irregularities.


At home, I make frozen yogurt. Peach and honey.


I ask Ed – you like it?
Yes, sure.
He doesn’t mean it.

Isis comes in and jumps up on the refrigerator, then the cupboard. Get the hell down from there!
He wont hurt anything. Truly. I’ll replace whatever he damages.
The vase is from the Dordogne, the plate – from the Amalfi coast. Are you going to travel there?
You can get them at Walmart’s.
No, you cannot.


I make a chicken stew and a salad. Ed leaves the peas behind in the salad.
Since when don’t you like peas? 
I do like peas.
You didn't eat them.
I like cooked peas.


We watch a DVD: "I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With." Not a whole lot happens in it, but we can’t turn it off either. When it’s over, Ed says – what was that about?
It's subtle. Not much real adventure.  Just like my book.
Not much happens in your book?
That’s right.
That’s not good.
But that’s life.
That’s why we like to escape into something else.
Do you want to watch another movie?

Summer is such a wonderful season.