Spotty frost last night did me the favor of avoiding most (could I hope for "all?") of my vulnerable plants. A farmer we know just south of us lost her asparagus crop to it. Such a menace! I think it's the end of these night time dramas, but I am knocking on wood, just in case.
Morning walk in that early sunshine that is so inspiring, especially when your crab apple is still blooming and your lilac is splendidly flowering as well:

(Are you wondering how the little chicks are adapting to free range life? Magnificently! Again, knock on wood going forward!)
Breakfast, with some pinched white lilac buds from bushes that grow along the western edge of the farmette lands.

Immediately after, I head over to my mom's new residence, even as the movers are already packing and stacking her stuff at the old place. Many phone calls between movers and me confirm what I already know: moving is never easy and never fun, but luckily, this is such a change for the better for her that I shrug at the snafus and small issues and look forward to an easier set of months ahead for the both of us.
(her new home)

(in her new room)
I stay with her until it's time to pick up Snowdrop at school.
Yesterday the little girl was tired after a long day. Today, the sunshine charges up the energy levels and we again spend a few minutes outside...

... before going in to read and draw. Did you know she still likes to draw super pigs in action while she is here (and only here)?

Evening. I have to water some of the new plants. We're rainless again. By the time I start in on cooking an asparagus and mushroom frritata, it is very very late.
There's talk of frost here and there in south central Wisconsin tonight. I'm shutting it out. We will make it to that warmer part of the season. I'm sure of it.
With love...