(The kitties are mesmerized by the cheepers. The cheepers, on the other hand, are fairly indifferent to the cats.)

Breakfast: planning out our string of tasks for the day.

I have only one goal for the morning run of errands: pick up a larger table for the porch at Menards. The family is growing! We don't all fit around the old round one. Ed's list is far longer: tire for the wheelbarrow, a pair of jeans that fits, socks from Farm and Fleet, cat food, usual donations to goodwill, and so on.
We do it all, with me tagging along, just so that I can finally get this much needed item for the porch. (We put it together, I find an old table cloth that fits. Yes!)

A few more tasks, a few more appointments and it's time to pick up Snowdrop. Not at school -- they're on Spring Break now, but from her home, to the farmette.

Games of old, games of pretend...

Hugging the tried and true, loving the new...

It's all there.
Evening. A quiet one, with leftovers for supper -- how perfect is that?