Last Friday morning, as Ed was poking me with his elbow, to show me a youtube clip that he found relevant to our daily existence (sometimes he strikes gold, other times -- more like aluminum), I muttered empty uhuhs and yes dears and typed away at a piece that was eventually retitled "Soon To Be Grandma, Ready to Learn." And submitted it to Motherlode -- the section of the NYTimes that deals with families.
And boom! This boomer has spoken! It was accepted and it appears today. Read it by clicking here.
And do comment, if you want, over there, over here -- agree, disagree -- this is your chance to join the discussion on what it's like to plunge into something familiar, yet brand new. Hey, wasn't I a mother? Doesn't that give me credibility with my own daughter (possibly both daughters) as they become mothers too? My blunt answer is: no, it does not. Find out why.
In other news ...wait a minute, you want more news than that? Alright! I'm on a roll!
In case you have thought me to be stuck in the tried and true, like for instance, committed to posting photos every day of breakfast at the farmette table (and I am committed to it! for now!)...

...and of our four very free ranging chickens -- cheepers in my parlance -- on this cold cold day in Wisconsin...

(early morning, looking toward the barn, on my sleepy walk to open the coop)


(two of our brood)
...well yes, there is that, but I am also jumping (feels more like plunging: think falling off a cliff rather than crossing a great divide) into the next stage of technological acumen by embracing Twitter. From now on, I am as committed to daily tweets as I am to daily posts here, on Ocean. If you're a Twitter nut, follow me there @ NinaCamic. Too much, you say?
There is never too much writing in my life. Not now, not in my first year after retirement.