I tell myself -- I've passed the crazy busy month. I will slow down! Yes definitely!
Morning flower walk:

Who would not like this season??

Breakfast on the porch.

And eventually I pick up Snowdrop. Would you believe it's in the 80sF (or upwards of 27C)? The little one has a very fierce attachment to her sweater.

We go to the lesser park. She is very warm, but she just loves that sweater... She munches on a croissant. We give the remains to an adorable duck family...

At the farmette, I haven't a doubt that this is a good afternoon for the pool. She readily switches to play clothes and plunges in the cool water.
(Watch it, Scotch. Most likely she hasn't forgotten that you once snatched croissant remains from her little hand. You may get "inadvertently" soaked.)

Snowdrop's splash play with ahah is utterly disarming....

Hey, little one -- your play buckets match your tshirt ribbons!
Indeed! Isn't life just the bees knees?!

Inside, a rush to take care of baby...

And very quickly, the afternoon moves to evening and Snowdrop goes home and I return to doing light garden work.
(The first daylily heralds summer. It's always a joy to spot it!)

I haven't quite returned to regular sleep patterns yet. But June is upon us and I'm sure the gentle pace of early summer will set things right again. Really, You'll see.