Yes it was. 73 degrees may not stir your insides much, but it surely is revolutionary for us.
You'll understand if I wont write much. The day flew too quickly. A gallop of hours well spent and before you know it's done.
So, you know the order. Breakfast. This time before yoga.
After? Oh, now, there are two words and only two words needed to describe the hours after: work outside.
Dig, weed, transplant -- all that. And sow. Peas today.
We talk about what to do with the depleted raspberry patch (plant a new one). About whether to expand the flower bed by the sheep shed path (yes). And whether to turn over more land to Farmer Lee and her sister (yes).
A pause from work to eat a lunch. PB&J, outside, on the porch.
I've wanted this time of outdoorsiness, of porch life, of sunshine for so long! It's a pinch yourself moment of deep joy.
In the evening my older girl comes over. Her husband has work obligations and so she is here alone...
Like me, she is swayed by the sun. The warmth. The deliciousness of life outside in spring.
We eat, we discuss the state of the world.
And now I'm just minutes away from midnight. There is a work week ahead of me. Not a full one (or at least teaching wise not a full one), but still, it's surely time to let go of this day. Windows are open, the night air is reminiscent of summertime.
It's good to know that summer is the next season. That we move forward. That there will be even more daffodils blooming tomorrow.