It's going to be a hot day. The spring tail end planting (because it still is spring, technically anyway) will have to wait. Tomorrow morning maybe? I take stock and hurry ahead with other tasks relegated to this morning.

Breakfast: the last meal with my visiting friends.

They're off, returning to their southern home. Will it be even hotter there?
I do the usual weekend stuff: clean, wash, prune, tidy, organize. And then I hurry to Snowdrop's home. She and her mom are waiting. We're to walk to the big downtown farmers market. Where the colors again are of early summer.

After we're done strolling/buying/sampling, Snowdrop is rewarded with time on the grass: to run, romp, play. To push the stroller, of course.

Today is the day of the annual naked bikers' ride. Perhaps a hundred or so clothesless bicyclists spin around the Capitol Square. A young girl looks on and asks her mom-- what are they doing? The mom answers -- they're riding their bikes without clothes. Don't you ever do that! I grin.

Snowdrop is completely indifferent to the whole thing. She runs on the grass, looking for cooler shady spots.

Her mom lifts her high in the sky and I notice how the little one has completely turned into a golden haired girl. A summer child.

They walk this way, she runs that way...

We finish our market excursion. I grocery shop. Late in the afternoon, Ed and I tidy the buckwheat patch and then I water some of this year's new planting. Did I mention it is a hot hot day?
Tomorrow? Hot again. I don't mind. I want to take in that emergent summer air. Because these colors, scents, warm air -- they're a fleeting thing. A beautiful few moments before we plunge into the thick riot of the summer season.