Thursday, August 06, 2015


Another day that has many agendas and seemingly too few hours for them.

Let's start with a leisurely breakfast.

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Then various sundry appointments, quickly attended to and voila! I gain two hours in midday. Ed is home today and so he is there to loads wood chips into the cart and I throw them on the enlarged lily bed. It's like old times: we work in tandem in the heat of the day, we make progress.

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(why do I love the lilies so?

But the fact is, flower fields are always a work in progress. There is never a done deal: a flower to move, remove, replace, trim, pamper and then another and another...

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We have had quite a long while without rain and so today, for the first time this summer, I throw water on an established field -- the one of lilies, by the farmhouse. It takes time to hose down a field, but I never mind this chore. Giving water to a thirsty flower conjures up images of being an agent of help to a plant in need. The parched plant rewards you as it moves from a bedraggled limp state to something vibrant and perky.

After this rather wonderful set of hours, I'm onto another set of wonderful hours -- those with Snowdrop.

We play.

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She is in a beautiful frame of mind again -- full of play and darting glances of pure happiness.

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We take a walk too - you really want to be outdoors on a day like this!

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Back at her home, I try to feed her bananas again. Bleh!

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A tired girl. Time for a nap?

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Time for me to go home.

Evening. Ed and I haven't done much for ourselves since coming back from our Adirondack canoeing trip. And so it feels special just to bring in take out Thai food. To not cook, to not rush, to sit back together and eat almost as if this is was a continuation of our camping trip. Even as we know that it isn't. Halcyon days indeed!

No matter. He fixes the toilet, I clean up all that needs that intervention. Who needs a night out... We've got stuff to do.