Kind words of the day (uttered by hosts): we understand.
4:30 a.m. wake up, hit the computer, read a few things. No inspiration. Too bad, hang up the key board, move on.
8:30 a.m. meeting number one.
Followed by: family law class (most likely, they were thinking: are you a math crazy person or what? Can you slow down with those child support calculations, please?).
Followed by: adorable Torts class (most likely they were thinking: if she moves through three cases today again, there will be bloodshed and a revolution, right here on the fifth floor of the Law School).
It’s afternoon. Many important emails to attend to.
I’m exhausted.
(recent email): You want to go with me on Thursday to get some cider? These farmers have the best cider on the Saturday market (Green’s Orchard). And they’re pressing fresh cider that afternoon.
Okay. I’m all about field to table.
You are so driving in a circuitous fashion.
Yeah, I know you like to take photos…
at peace
pressing cider: a noisy operation
apples and orange
Listen, I am so late, I need to go, I need to go… Pinhead is cooking a meal and he is a spectacular cook…
morbier cheese and elephant garlic which, as it turns out, is closer to a leek than to a clove of garlic
wrapped in bacon and perfectly done
So, understand. Some days, it is nearly impossible to fit in the blogging. You can, however, try. If you’re out and about, you say this: please, it’s a Cinderella thing. I need to go home to blog. They’ll understand. Give ‘em a link to your site if you haven’t done so already. Then zip home. Maybe you’ll make it in time. I did. But just barely.