Friday, April 07, 2017


Well now, the skies have opened up to spring! If yesterday was good, today is very very good! So sunny, that at breakfast, I commented that there's such a thing as too bright! (I didn't mean it. Not when "bright" has been so missing from our weather discourse.)

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Fridays are not outdoor work days for us. Ed has his meetings and I have my weekly shopping, but this set schedule doesn't bother me: there is no pressure to accomplish great things at the farmette. I need only enjoy looking out and later, with Snowdrop, going for a walk along the sun drenched blocks of her neighborhood. All the way to the playground.

(She's grateful that I remembered a band for a pony tail: it keeps the hair out of her face on the swing.)

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(Always distracted if she hears or sees a child somewhere down the block...)

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I let her keep her jacket off, which I know would cause many to squirm as it's only in the mid 50sF (low teens C), but surely the sun gives us the requisite warmth! And the freedom she feels from climbing unencumbered by outerwear is fantastic!

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You can only love a day this much if you've put up with months of a Wisconsin winter. We have and so we are entitled! Pure joy!

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(A selfie of sorts.)

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(At her home, still climbing, this time to take off her shoes. Tussled and windblown, but smiling.)

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Friday evening. A recent habit is that my daughter and I pause for a while at the end of the week. To catch up. Exchange stories. Watch the little girl together. Good bye past week, past season. Hello beautiful weather. Hello quiet night. Hello nearly full moon, nearly warm weather, nearly perfect days of spring.