More possum issues this morning. Now there are two inside the coop, feasting on poor Java. We deal with them as best as we can, grateful that at least we have a place to take them to, understanding that they are probably just going to come right back. We read that possums can travel up to 25 miles to return home. Going forward, we'll keep the cheepers locked up for a while. Maybe this wild group will have moved on in the coming weeks. Another little factoid: a possum does not linger in one place for long (though I don't know why it would move away from a farmette feast of meat, eggs, feed and all.
So that's the dismal stuff. The "we are pretend farmers" stuff. But there is more to the day. For one thing, there is the cold snap. An Arctic blast supreme. Doors to cars frozen shut. It is cold! And it will be even colder, for many days.
I have to admit it -- I don't especially mind. Sure, at 7 in the morning, I find myself shoveling the driveway -- we're expecting a small delivery and I dont want anyone's car stuck in the drifts of snow -- and I'm thinking 'my but it's cold." But it's also lovely outside!

The cheepers are still locked in the garage, where they are feasting on styrofoam boards. Yes, we have given them food. They ignore it and go for the styrofoam. So much for organic anything this month. Ah well, they're not laying eggs. Too cold, too stressed, too winter-weary.
Our brief car trip takes us through very beautiful countryside. We've gotten spoiled with all the snow this year, but honestly, this never fails to make me smile.

How can you not love the combination of snow and a February blue sky!
(blowing and drifting)

(along a rural road)

Oh, did I forget breakfast? Maybe it's because it wasn't as peaceful as I would have wanted. Dance came inside again and would not leave me to my meal. Ed claimed she just wanted to be petted. I think she was a little more hungry for the parmesan cheese shreds she'd enjoyed the previous night. NO, Dance, I do not have parmesan cheese shreds for breakfast! Move on!

And so long as we are on the subject of meals, I'll jump straight to dinner, enjoyed in the company of Primrose, who is very adept at using chopsticks. A significant skill, as today in her school the kids learned about the Chinese New Year. It isn't yet the lunar New Year Day yet -- that comes on February 12th, but still, one can never have too many celebration. (Primrose's teachers are very adept at creating celebratory hairstyles.)

And then -- quiet. Ed and I are so good at taking in the quiet of a farmette night! Well, except when a cat is invited inside. Or two cats. And they start chasing each other. And Netflix comes on and the pop corn pops.