Work? Oh yes, of course. Plants to move, weeds to pull -- yes, I suppose you would call it work. But I don't rush it. I take the time to regard what's before me.

We're reaching a transition now. First came the daffodils. Then we have the the peonies and irises. In another week we'll be moving on. For now, we're reeling in waves of great loveliness.

A late breakfast on the porch...

And again, pockets of work. Water this, support that. The new bloomers? A purple and yellow (german) iris...

... and one purple against a bed of yellow (siberian) irises.

Oh, the beauty of a late spring garden!
Although it surely feels like summer. It's a warm day -- the kind of day that you know invite the storms the next day. But I can't worry in advance of it all.
(Chicken in purple.)

I'm grilling for the family tonight. Snowdrop hasn't been to the farmhouse for a while. What does she find first? Penguin!

Dinner is a total delight.

Snowdrop loves her corn, her chicken brat, her asparagus.

And -- no surprise there -- she just adores the farmette rhubarb cake with whipped cream.

While the adults linger on the porch, I take Snowdrop for a walk. Oh, what a difference three weeks make in a little girl's life! Yes, there are elements of the same. Cheepers!

But there is also the new twist or turn: a love of playing ball, for example.

Perhaps the biggest challenge is keeping her out of the flowers.

But really, is it so important? Yes, for the lessons it teaches about respect for growing things, but then, why do we let her pick dandelions? Besides, Snowdrop is not one to tear into a flower bed. She may pick one bloom -- always to give to a loved one nearby -- and then she'll return to her spirited play.

I hope your Memorial Day was... grand.