It's all about the weather today. We haven't had very many storms this fall. But luck would have it that a big band of them is slated to pass over our state this afternoon and evening. With storms come flight delays and missed connections. And there is nothing to be done about it. Travel teaches you to be patient.
So I am patient when I get up to cloudy skies.

(The blooms are pretty much all annuals. They'll be with us until the first frost.)

I'm very patient over breakfast. There's no rush here. We take things slowly in the mornings. Besides, it's my last meal with this guy. Because of the pandemic and because of the way we live, we haven't been apart much (at all?) the past couple of years. Leaving family, leaving Ed -- these are never easy.

I pack. It's never the clothes, it's the other stuff you think you'll need. Gathering, sorting, dividing between suitcase and backpack. Ed says -- that's a lot of trouble for a good bread product in the morning...
And I try to be patient as I study the weather reports. Will there be a window in between storm 4 and storm 5? If you don't hear from me today again, that means I made it out. So, let's hope you don't hear from me again today.
Off I go to the airport. Patiently and with love.