I tried to get in the right frame. In the morning, very early, when Ed sprang out and almost ran to continue work on the brake shoes of his new old car...
...I (more or less: we speak in generalities here) followed, somewhat slowly, but still, followed, to take stock of the frosty loveliness before the expected sun would woosh it all away. (Note how perfectly we can draw the great divide between the haves and the have in the photo below.)
And then, after the initial morning spurt, my Ocean consciousness shut down. I worked on this small project, I tied up that administrative detail, I fixed, I tampered, I yoga'd and then I worked some more. Without a thought to Ocean.
Or, is it that I am now just so confident that this period of crazy work is nearing an end (before it resumes again next year) that I am no longer worried about keeping you, the reader, content? It's as if I want to say -- it's going to be rough for three weeks. These are tough times for me, qua blogger. And I cannot really pretend that the days now are anything more than placid and terribly unphotogenic. But bear with me. We'll muddle through this somehow and then I'll work oh so hard to bring back the thoughts and images like the ones that got you reading once before. Soon, Ocean loyalists, soon.
In the meantime, I rustled up some onion, garlic, spinach, tomatoes and chick peas and I called it supper. With a fried egg on top.