And the cheeper girls seem somehow more radiant, more effervescent today (Oreo follows, at a distance)...

And in the new orchard, a few cherry blooms signal the coming of fruits. Maybe not this season, but soon!

Ed and I eat breakfast in the sun room, but thoughts of the porch are certainly in my head. Maybe next week we'll be out there again!

And immediately after breakfast, I drive out to my favorite shopping venue of them all -- the Flower Factory. Now! Today! It's time to take a look at what may be good for planting in the new flower field standing ready (after the bramble dig out operation).

There are very few people shopping for flowers so early in the season (at this possibly largest perennial retailer in the Midwest, just ten minutes south of the farmette). I talk to the owners and compare notes on which plants had trouble this winter. For me, the struggle is always with lavender -- it lives, but it tells me again and again that it would prefer a climate closer to that found along the Mediterranean.
It takes me several hours just to look, to touch gently, to admire. I pick out some new additions, but I'm proceeding slowly this season (in part because Snowdrop fills a good part of the day for me and too, I don't need to buy so much; I can divide some of the plants in my garden and spread them to new flower fields).
And very quickly, it's time to head for Snowdrop's home.
She is radiant and cheerful and shows off the best ballet pointy toes, so appropriate, given her ballerina "shoes"!

We try sitting up again...

And there are books to read...

And of course, her gymnastics are very impressive.

(look at me, grandma!)

(oh oh! I flipped to the side! how do I get myself up now?!)
Very impressive!

(yeah, I think so!)
And, too, I like to watch her work through her grabbing motions and I tell her that she is indeed the best grabber I have ever seen this side of Lake Monona! Snowdrop likes compliments.

When her mom returns home, the three of us go for a walk around the smaller lake.

(Snowdrop, can't you smile for the camera? Nope!)

(but I'll smile for mommy!)
It's both cool and warm, sunny and windy -- a day that reminds you of how easy it is to get complacent about spring and the good things it brings with it, at the same time that it nudges you to have hope, because really, we're done with the tougher seasons!
In the evening, Ed and I take a walk in our local county park.

It's quiet here most anytime we come (a very underused park!). And we're quiet too tonight, both lost in our thoughts -- mine straying toward people, his probably toward machines.

It is late by the time I get supper on the table. Cheeper eggs, asparagus, mushrooms. A spring favorite of ours. With a huge salad.
The day started prettily and ended beautifully. How good is that?!