Thursday, December 20, 2018


Let's make a deal: I will be a person of few words for the next few days! (In the alternative, my words would have to come flying out without thought or contemplation, in the spare seconds I will have allotted to them. You don't want to read an Ocean post thrown down without thought or contemplation!) I wont neglect Ocean, but when family gathers, pictures rather than words will take center stage.

That's me, looking ahead. Today, though, is an ordinary Thursday -- a drippy one at first...

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... but you know, a light rain in December is not necessarily a bad thing. We're suspended in a pre-winter holding pattern. No Arctic air, no frost, no cold winds blowing at us from the north. It's a gentle way to approach the busy holiday season.

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Breakfast is a reminder that I need to give Ed a beard trim and haircut. Today!

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And now I'm in my final "make sure everything is on schedule" mode. Is it? Well, I wont admit to having to fork over $10 for a special rush order of an essential ingredient to a meal on Monday. Apart from that folly, I'm on track.

In the afternoon, I take the longer route to pick up Snowdrop. I need to claim our two pound bag of fresh spinach (from our winter spinach CSA). This detour takes me by the lesser lake and I truly am astonished to see ice fishermen right in the middle. How do they know where the ice is safe for them? And how can it be safe anywhere at all? It's been so warm and I see watery patches along the shore!

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Snowdrop is a bit tired today. It's nearing the end of the week and she has been gallantly fighting off everyone's bug. It takes a lot out of you to stay healthy in the face of all these coughers and sneezers out there.

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We take it easy today.

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A few light games ...

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And a few minutes of watching Olivia on Youtube.  Conserve that bounce for the days ahead!

This then is our farmette day. A steady trot to the holiday finish line. Lights twinkling, ideas percolating, anticipation running high, with a hope that everyone stays well and travels safely to be with family in the days ahead.