I’m eager to stay with today’s more upbeat tone. Market. I had a great run through the downtown market. Maybe I’ve been lax in posting photos, but trust me – these are the weeks when the market is in its final weeks of glory. We’ve had several frosts already and so you’re not going to see summer staples much longer. Even as for now, there is color.
After the market, my daughter and I took off for Indian Lake. You can’t resist this on a brilliant fall day. A short drive north and you’re there.
We walked the circuit and I thought how so many of life’s struggles had been hashed over between my girls and myself on this path.
I felt better just remembering that.
On the Square again, we parted ways...
...and I headed home on Rosie. Home, yeah, that’s right, home. Where the nasturtium bloom and – something that I learned this year, continue to show off their loveliness if you cut them and bring them inside.