And so, it comes as no surprise that Diane's visit at the farmette was completely wonderful. In all the decades that I have known her, in all the travels and visits we have shared, I've never heard her wallow in distress, no matter how stressful life became. It's a good way to move through the inevitable shake ups and perturbations!
This morning, I had an early appointment and so once again I had to be up supremely early, in order to feed the cats...
(what do you have in store for us today, huh?)

... and at least attempt a light lily trim.

Later in the morning, the three of us sit down to breakfast together. It's a gorgeous, breezy day! The porch is a piece of heaven right now.

The man with the garlic mist came by and so I should be (mostly) mosquito free for the next few days. Life is good!

And then, Diane is off on her return journey and I catch up on a few chores, before heading out to pick up the little girl and bringing her back to the farmette.

Time to rest, read, regroup and rally.

And then go out to dance class.
(cheepers: where is everyone going???)

On time today!

Yes, on time with the day, with the end of July. On time. On schedule. I have not fallen off course in my "week of people!" (See post of a few days back.) And that's no surprise: people, the right people, dont hold you back. They push you forward.
Onto August!