Monday, January 19, 2004

Polish news weekly gives run-down of what Hollywood thinks of Bush

My Warsaw friend, Agnieszka, sent me a link to a Polish news weekly which, in addition to having interesting news of Poland, has a detailed story on what they’re saying about Bush in Hollywood and in the music industry. Now, granted, we may well guess what these guys are saying about him. But the quotes are news to me and so I thought I’d pass them on, straight from this week’s issue of Wprost (title of the article: “the coalition of the hating”):

[the article starts off with a bit of humor:
back in the old days of communist rule, Andropov spoke with Reagan. “In our country,” says Reagan, “we have free speech.” “In our country, we, too, have free speech” retorts Andropov. To which Reagan responds “Everyone in our country can criticize the president of the USA!” Andropov is triumphant. “So what, you think it’s different here? We, too, can criticize the president of the USA!”]

Jessica Lange: “nienawidze go” [“I hate him”]
Barbara Streisand: "Obawiam się przywódców, którzy biją w wojenne bębny, aby doprowadzić obywateli do patriotycznej gorączki" [“I’m terrified of leaders who beat war drums NC:did I lose something in the translation here??—in order to lead citizens to feverish patriotism”; NC: this is like playing telephone, by the time it comes around again, Barbara will have said that she’s scared because Bush is insisting we play drums to show patriotism]
Woody Harrelson: "Jestem Amerykaninem, którego męczą amerykańskie kłamstwa. To jest rasistowska i imperialistyczna wojna" [“I’m an AmericanNC:temporarily fluent in Polish, but hey..—who is tortured by American lies. This is a racist and imperialist war.” ]
Raper Moby [the rapper, unfortunately comes out as “raper” when translated into Polish] "Ameryka, w którą wierzymy, nie przeżyje kolejnych czterech lat rządów George'a Busha" [“America, in which we believe, will not survive four more years of George Bush’s rule”]
Don Henley, lider [lead singer] The Eagles: "Muzycy są zobowiązani do zaangażowania się przeciw Bushowi. Jesteśmy przecież obywatelami tego kraju". [“Musicians have a responsibility to be engaged against Bush. We are, after all, citizens of this country.”]
Bruce Springsteen: "Krzyczcie głośniej, jeżeli pragniecie zmiany prezydenta" [during his NY concert “Shout louder if you want a change in presidents”]

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