Well, it was inevitable that I would catch some of that bug that's been circulating. I could feel it creeping in on me last night. I fought with it, denied it, then finally gave up and admitted that I wasn't at my sharpest.
Still, I was up to feed those animals -- they dont care if you're not fully on board. They just want their food.

And I fixed a nice breakfast for the two of us.
And then I considered my options. Mild symptoms. Not Covid. What to do? Rest, with a check in at the clinic, because I want to travel in a couple of days and I want to shake this and also know that it isn't something that should keep me home.
Both of these -- rest and a clinic visit -- meant that I had to call off picking up the kids after school. That is a shame, because I wont be seeing them for a while now and, too, it's fun to pick them up on the very last day of school before spring break. Spirits tend to soar, everyone is tickled with what's ahead. Still, I needed that clinic visit and it is one crowded place right now. The wait is long.
It was afternoon before I could head home for my hours of rest.
It's a shame that the day had to disappear into thin air like this. I didn't finish trimming the lavender. I did not spend time with the kids (and so we did not finish reading the book we were determined to get through before I leave), I did not pack, I did not go for a walk with Ed.
On the upside, it was quiet and so very cozy inside and he kept saying -- it's so nice here with you, and I kept saying -- isn't this the best, and he'd answer -- oh, but you think walking in the rain in some far away place, with jet lag is so much better, and I'd retort -- it isn't better, Just different...
And then I slept, rousing myself to make chili. For tonight, and for him to have when I'm gone.
Uneventful, true, but so very lovely here at the farmhouse. And not too bad on the bug front. Vaccinated people (that's me!) have such better outcomes when they do get sick. Remarkable that so many still defy what the medical community has known for years -- science is on your side. Rumor and conspiratorial thinking are not.
With love...