Wednesday, March 05, 2025


Maybe for you, March conjures up images of green landscapes. Or maybe you just see green because of the upcoming St Patrick's Day. Well, we're not starting off with a whole lot of green stuff this March. Indeed, either last year's spring came very early or we are now very, very late, because I'm noting crocuses in bloom in my photos from March 5th 2024 and there's not even a crocus tip poking through yet on March 5th 2025.  I had to canvas the fields long and hard to find just these tiny tips of future daffodils:

Green? Ha. Brown, with a slap of wet snow this afternoon. 

 (This is our beautiful and gentle Tuxie. Honestly, I'd give her over to cat adoption if it weren't for the fact that she seems so content here. She lives in the sheep shed but does love the great outdoors.)

Again, March is like that: wet rain, wet snow -- these are not unusual. We've had menacing ice storms too. The weather isn't really the problem for us northerners. Because we see through it. We appreciate the emerging signs of spring. But this year I'm left wondering -- where is the green stuff??

Breakfast -- I'm thinking oatmeal is appropriate for this kind of a day. (Hey! He's wearing a green shirt!)




And yes, we do talk about the News -- or at least I do. As always, I'm agitated -- by the absurdity of it all. When did disdain for elites move away from dislike for the wealth to the dislike of knowledge? Of expertise? So that the ethos of a billionaire is applauded, but that of a scientist struggling to keep us safe from a pandemic or from cancer -- ridiculed and ostracized? I try to make sense of an alignment of the poorest with the agenda implemented by the richest for benefit of the richest -- how did those at the top pull that one off?? I did not watch the 100 minute self adulation last night, but I read about it today. To applaud a brave child with cancer with one hand while tearing down the search for cures and the benefits offered to such a child with the other -- does this seem commendable to people? You're applauding this... why?

This is when Ed tells me to stop reading. That I'm not the better for it. And perhaps he is right. 


I look outside and oh am I glad we did the bulk of the yard clean up the last two days!

No way am I going to do anything at all that's outdoorsy. I distract myself with doing exercises for my knee. Exercises for balance (I love these because I'm good at them!). Exercises for upper body strength. For my neck. Did I miss anything??

And then I go (very slowly -- it's nasty out there) to pick up the kids.

("I'm holding an icicle!")

Of course they want ice cream. Of course they do. I'm past questioning the appropriateness of pairing ice cream with a blustery snowy day.

Me, I'm inclined to cook up a pot of soup for supper.  Steamy hot. With grated cheese and green kale. I think that's as far as we are going to get with green stuff this week.

with love...