Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Rejoice, it’s April!

It’s not important. It’s fairly trivial actually. Still, I can’t let it slide. The NYTimes.com has the following caption (which then leads to a story about seasonal weather disturbances) under a photo of a man braving the chill of an April rain:

Cruelest Month? Here's Why:
Romanticized for its showers, April often sees a brief chill before the full vernal warming actually kicks in

Can we please refrain from needless name-calling? Cruel April? I disagree. April is the singularly most refreshing, rejuvenating, reenergizing month on the calendar. People get EXCITED when April finally arrives.

April – in Polish it is Kwiecien, a derivative of “kwitnie,” which translates into “blooming.” How cruel is that?

As for the brief cold pause that the NYT article speaks of, why hold it against April? I’ve seen June come down with wickedly cold days and October plod along with sweltering heat waves. Aren’t all months subject to fluctuations and irregularities? Leave April alone!

[n.b. in several weeks I'm hoping to take a quick peak at the blooms in the garden pictured on the left. This is how it looks at the moment, IN APRIL.]

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