Friday, July 30, 2004

Convention notes: no, not THAT Convention!

The monthly convention of UW bloggers (A, B, C and F) took place last night at L’Etoile, pulling together for me different strands from my days into one tasty package.

Though blogging about blogger digestion (indigestion?) is proving less compelling now (as opposed to after the first such meetings some months back), I did want to offer a comment about the effect of regular convening on one’s awareness of the passage of time. Weren’t we just toasting the end of  Spring teaching? Heavens! How did we move so quickly into (almost) August, with its odd mixture of vacation days and Fall teaching preparations?

Last night’s dinner meeting had many more serious elements than in the past. We returned to the topic of challenges facing bloggers again and again. Perhaps for this reason, all* but one of the bloggers (I’ll let the readers guess which one) chose to end the evening with  a rousing spin on the hip hop dance floor.

All conventions should end with such a healthy discharge of physical energy.**

* Those that hip hopped late into the night were impressive. Really impressive. It just goes to show that you can’t judge a blogger by his/her blogger image. Sedate? Staid? Serious? Sedentary? Certainly not. 

** I could not resist this plug at physical activity, if only to live up to the pronouncements made last night about this blog. It was determined that “Ocean” ranks highest (of the 4 blogs) in terms of spewing forth mantra about good, healthy living (what with references to long walks and market foods, it appears to read like a column out of “Organic Lifestyle” or some equally virtuous, health-oriented magazine). “Ocean” was deemed also to be the most chronologically journalistic. Though I disagreed vehemently with this latter description (come on, this post is the exception!), I was glad that at least it did not get the “weirdest blog” award. No such prize was granted last night, but since “Ocean” was, in terms of awards and characterizations, on a bit of a roll, I was worried.

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