Sunday, January 09, 2005

There are some people who just make you laugh and laugh

It’s important to understand that life is not all about laughter. Witty and clever exchanges, tease and banter – these are mere chocolate sprinkles in the cake of life (?!). Yet sometimes you wish for nothing more.

Thanks to the exquisite Althouse and the Tonya Show authors for this extraordinary day in Chicago.

[For the distantly positioned souls who do not understand the rhapsodizing about a trip down to Chicago, I want to explain that Madison is a great place to live in, but like every home base, it’s good to occasionally get the heck away from it, just to remember that the world has a long and varied perimeter.]

Oh, to preempt the questions about “what we did in Chicago” I just want to say that the trip was intense to the last minute. For example, I purchased two stools. One could argue that I did not need two law professors to help me in stool selection, but on the other hand, having their wise counsel made it oh so easy to pick exactly the right piece of wood to rest your derriere on.

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