Tuesday, April 12, 2005

True story

Professor: Well, you could not counsel her to do that now, could you? She would be, what’s the American expression? About a foot or something?

[Several very helpful students shout out correct expression said foreign-born professor was searching for.]

Professor: Yes, sounds right – she would be chewing herself in the foot. I mean, think about it: she is arguing that her ex is incompetent to meet the legal standard set forth in the joint custody statute at the same time that she wants to portray herself as a cooperative player under the physical placement statute… nibbling right there at her own heel, or, as you say, chewing her feet.

[Lecture continues, professor wonders why student in front row is holding hand out in the shape of a gun and shooting at her. Professor decides to tolerate weird student behavior as it is early in the morning and he may not have had his cup of coffee yet.]

Class ends, student with weird hand gestures approaches professor and says:
I was trying to tell you: not chewing. It’s shooting yourself in the foot.

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