Wednesday, March 22, 2006

pizza questions

Is it not looking after the interest of the student to suggest that, during a late afternoon seminar, there should be food? And, isn’t it appropriate, to ease the stress of presenting their work to the class, that I suggest to the student-presenters that they bring food for the rest of us (who do not need stress relief, but do need a calorie/sugar boost at this time of the day)? Is it wrong for me, the faculty person, to benefit as well, like today, for example, when I wolfed down the largest piece of a student-produced fruit pizza?

And so long as I am looking after the interest of the other (you know, the student, me, etc), should I not also take to heart the interest of that small pizza place on Willie Street (Roman Candle) and support it on this often slow mid-week day, on a regular basis? Why them, you ask? Well, shouldn’t one pick the objects of one’s support for the utter friendliness of the servers? Would you not rush to a place where the waiters practically sang to you as they placed their pie on a little sling-down tray over your table?

Wednesdays are very long days.

Madison Mar 06 365
heavy on the mushrooms and garlic please

1 comment:

  1. one should, very much be concerned with the bloodsugar of their students, as well as the caloric quality of their diets. my instructors not only dont bring food, they wont eat what we do bring. i am obviously enrolled in the wrong classes, at the wrong school.


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