Tuesday, May 23, 2006

from Zagreb: departures

And so my adored Croats in my family (I’m a phony – I only hold on to a Croatian name) are returning home today. They take with them their laughter, companionship, irreverence, affection. How fair is that?

I can’t even think of being here without them and so I, too, am heading out. Back on the trains today, with a quick overnight in Italy and then, more trains tomorrow, putting me (I hope) in a little village by a lake in western France.

A special bow here, on Ocean to (my) daughters. Thank you. As always, you’re the very best. Even if you do insist on scaling mountains in flip flops, eating cherry strudel after every lunch and bringing a second copy of Zadie Smith’s newest book, just to show me that you read faster than I do.

Europe 06 Croatia 771
one last aperitif: campari and soda with a shot of o.j.
...to the natural wonders of croatia

Europe 06 Croatia 718


  1. Nice photos of the girls. Sounds like you all had a great time getting in touch with your Croatian roots.

  2. Wonderful photo of the daughters! My envy of the sunglasses is unbounded.


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