Sunday, March 16, 2008

from Florida: talk of the beach

Nice, isn't it? Far cry from the frozen stuff up north...
Ah yes. Sugar sand, they call it?
Yup, sugar sand. Wait around and watch the fog roll in.
No kidding?
Yes. But it'll roll right out. Anyway, warm right now, aren't you?

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I'm spent. I'll tell you tomorrow about what it's like to hit sand with your bare toes again. (hint: wonderful)

1 comment:

  1. Your photo is wonderful. Great composition. Interesting use of grays with those two small slashes of orange and black. The tension caused by the birds looking out of frame. Far more than just a photo of two birds on a beach. However, I'd love to hear what those two birds are saying to each other. They look like they might be planning a bank heist. Why do some birds look so comical?

    Enjoy the sun, sand, sea, and old friends.


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