Thursday, September 16, 2010

on and off State Street

Long day of many classes. Then, an idle hour on State Street. Between class and the evening pizza event with my students.

Here’s the idling on State Street portion:


Here’s the setup for out pizza event:


All good.

Now comes the tired part. The hour when I try to write, but realize it's futile and quite likely, I'll soon fall asleep and wonder later just when it was that I gave in to nothingness.

1 comment:

  1. but realize it's futile and quite likely, I'll soon fall asleep and wonder later just when it was that I gave in to nothingness.

    Reminds me of how I delude myself sometimes. I take some work/school-related reading to bed. And I tell myself that I will actually get through all of it. And then I tell myself that I'll just rest my eyes for a moment or two. And then... it's morning.


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