Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year

That was a vicious beginning to a new year. The wind slashed through my sweat pants and I felt my legs grow numb. Unrelenting cold.

Of course, I could have just stayed home. But I worked from the first hours of daylight and I wanted a break.

It’s rare that you see Lake Mendota so completely iced over and without a speck of snow.


Where is the snow anyway?

Melted. Blame two days of fog and the other day's warm gust of air that passed through.

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If the New Year is to set the tone for the days ahead, then mine, unfortunately, will be a year of reclusive work. And suppers thrown together – today, of beans, eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, walnuts and anchovies.With a mustard vinaigrette.


It’s worth it though. If only for those periods of nonwork that follow. Eventually.

Happy New Year. May it be well balanced for us all. (Wouldn't that be grand...)

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