Thursday, January 16, 2014

on a snowy winter day...

Let me say a word about breakfast. I know too many people who pass it by, or grin and bear it, or think of it as something to slog through on their way to better foods later in the day. As I sit here and write this, I'm thinking -- hey, that was once me! I hated breakfast as a kid. Absolutely hated it. Even if we were traveling and dining out -- a rare treat indeed! -- I would look at the menu and cringe. Eggs, cereal, toast -- all gross.

But I made an exception: during the summers in the Polish village, at my grandma's house, I devoured it: sour borstch, oatmeal, dark bread and cheese, berries, always lots and lots of berries -- I loved it all.

I think, now, it was all in my head. 

When I was a young mom and working and going to school -- all three at once, breakfast was a blur. It was all about getting them to eat and be out the door on time. I can't remember anything else.

These days, as you well know, that morning meal, for me rules. It starts the day with a coming together of great foods and it is the one meal when Ed and I eat without distraction.


So where do you fall on the breakfast continuum? Indifferent to it? Spring out of bed for it? I wonder...

This afternoon it was time to take to the ski trails again. We had our doubts -- all that melting and freeing, covered by only a marginal layer of fresh snow? It can't be great.

It wasn't. At least that was Ed's verdict. Pretty? Yes, that. And at 34F, quite warm. My cap came off quickly enough. But the skis clumped the snow and when we weren't sticking, we were sliding precariously over layers of ice. Ed suggested early on that we call it quits.
But it's so nice outside!
We can walk instead...
In ski boots? Carrying skis?
To demonstrate that this was not as ridiculous as it sounded, he took off his skis and trudged alongside me, just barely keeping up.
I talked him back onto his skis and we finished the loop, but I have to say, it was an effort.

But the forest was, as always, quite beautiful.



Even as for skiing, we need more snow.

A great stack of paperwork waited for me back at the farmhouse. And, too, a pesky Isis who now likes to be fed many times, in small amounts, and preferably with someone holding the bowl up to his level and petting him while he is eating.

The cat is so indulged!


But then, so are we! Starting with that breakfast, which I am already imagining, even though it's still nearly twelve hours away.

I tell you, it's all in the head.


  1. I love breakfast foods, and now that it's usually still dark out when we're eating it, we make a fire and put candles on the table... makes it feel a little less dark out.

  2. I started a blog one day, inspired by your breakfasts. It sits accusingly in Draft, waiting for me to go back through the photo archives for some excesses at French hotel breakfast buffets. My breakfast at home is generally cereal, coffee and juice. I'm in too much of a hurry to eat to make more, as I generally wake up starving. Sunday used to include bacon and waffles, but I haven't taken time lately to precook the bacon so it won't take so long to get to the eating.

    I'm laughing my head off over how well Isis has you trained now. There's always a feral cat outside who looks pitifully at me to remind me that he/she wasn't here in time for breakfast so can't I put out a little more. Do you have any idea how old Isis is?

  3. I love breakfast-especially for dinner! Growing up it was mostly cereal, now it's rather predictable fruit with oatmeal and kefir or orange juice unless I've had too much to drink the day before, and then it's eggs. :)

    We had a similar experience to your skiing one while taking the kids sledding this week. We got to the hill to realize the top was exposed ice. It made for really fast starts to sledding, especially when we'd pushed away enough of the fresh snow to expose more ice on the hill. But getting back up the hill with a 3 and 4 year old was quite interesting, as was trying to steady the sled atop the ice before careening down the hill. But wow, was it fast!

  4. I love breakfast but don't always take time for it. Often I pack my fruit and oatmeal or yogurt and take it to work and eat it at my desk. I like the idea of sitting down and enjoying breakfast since it can really start your day off with some calmness. Once the weather warms up, I like to have my first cup of coffee outside. I don't always finish the cup, but just sitting for a few minutes outside and appreciating the day is truly grand!

  5. I love my breakfast--always the same: half of
    a bagel toasted with butter, a cup of coffee, and (if time permits) my favorite blogs on the iPad. Just pouring the second cup of coffee now....

  6. Maybe when we retire (any time we want, now) we will enjoy the lovely breakfasts that you have. For now, we don't get up at the same time, don't even see each other in the morning. I like my solitary waking ritual, tea and reading. You will think this is SO paltry: I like Quaker Oat Squares eaten like a snack, dry, along with my tea. No one would take a picture of that! I do have a good smoothie after my exercise at the pool with the other old ladies (we are quite a jovial bunch)
    Of this I can be sure - if ever we have lovely breakfasts, the way we do have our lovely suppers, my husband will NEVER put up with having his picture taken like your big sweetie!

  7. Thanks for your breakfast stories! Such variety! I truly love reading such details of your lives here. And yes, Ed is *mostly* agreeable about the camera each morning. I give it about a minute and then I put it away.


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