Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Well, it can happen. One arm may work, the other may not. But the thing is, it's only a blog. It's only a website. It's not all that happens in a day. A taste, a fraction, a little piece comes up and gets posted. The rest continues, regardless of what happens on the Net.

Still, one gets invested in it. And one hopes for the best. And, walking down the stairs with a garbage bag for the trash bin, occasionally one gets rewarded with a storybook sign of good things to come.

january 07 038


  1. Hey, you've got crossings planned now in April, May, and June! Fantastic!

    Will you be able to summer again in Pierre Rue? It is too early yet for me to plan my summer escape, and alas, there is no travel planned between then and now.

  2. That IS nice



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