Thursday, March 15, 2007


After I am done with today’s chores and obligations, I’m hopping on a plane and heading out east. It is certain that I will not get to my final destination until after midnight and so posting wont be possible until well into tomorrow.

And where will posting be from? Tomorrow I’m in Wilmington, Delaware. Saturday – back to D.C.. Sunday – back in Madison. Surely all three will get due recognition here, though periods of work and expected east coast episodes of snow and rain will make it seem like I am one foot in the Midwest all along.

Actually, over-nighting with daughters and eating up a storm while I’m there places this right smack in the realm of an extremely wonderful little trip. So, expect plenty of happy tunes here on Ocean the next few days, weather and work notwithstanding.

More tomorrow.


  1. If this is going to rock my world (and I know it's not about me; it never is), your challenge will be to provide photographic evidence for the ongoing existence of Delaware. Why not just start folding up these little states and tacking them together with the others like them and making a moderately respectable size that has some revelance, some prospects. The way it is, I just don't know.

    You could probably auction a shot of Ann Althouse's childhood house to some crank in flyover country for a tidy sum. Do that too. Someone should.

    And then, perhaps???, it will be time for you to [once again] consider that trip west... Not "West back from Languedoc", but "I'm in Madison, and I have a trip planned out west".

    You can't deny those words don't hold a certain charm for you. You know what's waiting for you. What possibilities might exist. What retroinversions might spin you the right way. Finally.

  2. Hi Nina. "Retroinversions" are not part of my life, although I think I had one in a cage in High School.
    Be advised that a strong Red State conservative retired architect follows your travels, and your photographs, with great pleasure.
    Keep going (and buy the condo!)


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