I have a handful of hours before I need to catch a flight home. Please accept this brief Ocean post for now and log in tomorrow, and the next day for some tentative answers to the question that bugged me no end before we set out – why do people insist on camping in the wild, when there isn't running water within miles? Not even in the form of a babbling brook?
Only one photo for today. From this morning's hike, when the sun was just beginning to pierce through the cool air of a foggy dawn.
Purchase photo 2056
I will be anxiously awaiting your answer, since my husband assures me it's not that bad to camp with just wet wipes for a shower. There are many horrible things I'd rather do before camping with just wet wipes and all the water I could carry in on my back.
ReplyDeleteAnd, had I realized you truly were scared of being eaten by a bear, I could have shared all of my knowledge of bear spray, bear bells, singing, etc. We've only been in bear country a couple of times, but it is unnerving to be the only people on the trail and expect to encounter Mama Bear just around the next bend.
Welcome back.
Welcome back to civilization. Although I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing -- pristine forest vs hot shower.