The day begins. Even from my morning reclining stance, I can see that we're going to have a clear sky. Wonderful!
Oh, but it’s Sunday. I have to clean the condo, so that Monday can truly start with a clean slate. Bummer.
Still, as I finish the scrubbing and polishing, I note that the sky stubbornly holds on: blue, a deep, gorgeous, comprehensive blue. I suggest to Ed we head out to participate in a new (at least I think it’s new) Ride the Drive Madison event: major routes downtown have been cleared of automobile traffic, so that people can take to the streets on this one day!
Yes, but... my bike is back at the farmette -- Ed reminds me.
Okay, let’s walk the streets then! It’s not yet noon, we still have a few hours before I’m due at the shop.
But do I? No! I misread my schedule! I have a mere handful of minutes.
I'm not easily defeated. We hop on Ed's motorbike and head downtown. And I have to say, a small handful of minutes is better than no minutes at all. Because truly, it is a brilliant day. People are out and about -- great numbers of people at that. I see them up ahead, on the bridge, singing, dancing...
Closer: singing, dancing...
and biking...
or attempting to bike... or giving up and playing football with the dog...
I'm liking my home town...
Yes, but did you hear? We may strike a record low for a Madison August night: 37F. Ridiculous place!
And yet… a customer comes into the shop where I am working the afternoon hours. She’s friendly and speaks enthusiastically about the product we sell. Always a good sign. As I wrap up her purchases, we switch to reviewing the day’s weather. It's pleasantly warm inside the shop, when the sun is streaming in, but I note to her -- it’s kind of cool today, don’t you think?
Yes, but my aunt, she has been tracking these things for a long time and she heard the first cicada yesterday.
Is that a good thing? Or not so much?
Oh, it’s great! You get six weeks more of warm weather after the first cicada makes noise here. This August, the first cicada was very very late. Good news indeed!
Yes, uplifting. Wonderfully so. Six weeks of warmth? Wow. No buts. I'm flying.
Happy Cicada day! Groundhog day move over.