But, there was the matter of work. My daughter had meetings, Ed had notes to make on his trial transcripts and I had an endless list of work items to attend to. The most important (because it was also the most time sensitive) was the drafting of a memo with my take on issues before the court in Ed’s case.
And so we spent a good part of the day indoors.
Ed and I did break for a late morning espresso at Simon’s (a favorite in the neighborhood where my daughter lives)…
(If there were to be a poster boy for Simon’s wouldn’t you think he’d fit the bill?)
On that brief walk, I could only marvel: that sky! Is it even a Boston sky? (Stolen for sure from the Midwest!)
Finally, in the afternoon, we have to stop work. Ed has a NYC bus to catch. My daughter is done with her tasks, I put mine aside. We walk with Ed to the subway and send him off.
My girl and I walk through Cambridge neighborhoods. If I can just soak in those colors, all will be well.
We make our way to a favorite ice cream shop. Is there any late October day back home that makes me want ice cream? In the shade of yellow and blue...
Pumpkin and cinnamon please.
In the evening we opt for a pizza dinner. Not just any pizza, Cambridge, 1 pizza.
And a Burdick’s hot chocolate. Intensely rich, dark dark hot chocolate, in tiny paper cups. The markers of a good Cambridge week-end, coming to a close.
We head home. Tomorrow at dawn I’ll be catching my connections to Madison. To school, and then to the wee shop on the corner. Refreshed? Yes, that, but mainly pleased that I have had this moment to ease things a bit for people who, whether they admit it or not, could use a little break from a tough time.
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