It turned out I was rather early. By an hour.
Presiding over these hearings is not nearly as fun and glamorous as you’d wish. I take comfort in the fact that I respect and like the remaining hearings officers (these are nonresident appeals hearings) and today the panel included one of my favorites – a woman who lives on a farm south of Madison.
I feel, now especially, that there is much to be learned about life on a farm. (Even as this panelist has farm animals and Ed’s farm only has one cat.)
She talks about how they grew their horses from one, to two, to three, to thirteen.
Thirteen??? How is it that you have thirteen horses?
They mate and give birth. And donkeys – we have donkeys too.
Why? – I ask.
Well, just because.
What do you do with them?
Feed them.
I think about why people have the things they have. Coveting horses or donkeys or goats. (Or something else.) She has a goat too.
Then there’s the cattle. She and her husband raise cattle for the beef that you and I might want.
Do you name them?
Sure. And when we give them up to the slaughterhouse, next day we’ll get the beef, neatly labeled with the cow’s name on the package.
I doubt that I could eat a steak with a name on it. Even as, every few weeks, I think longingly about having a steak or a burger.
After the hearings, I head back home. You always feel spent after listening to people present their sad stories. From Bascom Hill, I get the usual view of the Capitol, stately as ever, seen now from the campus perspective.
Much much later, I make a final trip to the plumber, reviewing the choices I had made for the farmhouse, regretting some, not others, and then I drive home, marveling at how there are so many ways of doing any one thing well.
When we did the back-to-nature thing, we bought a farm of 40 acres, complete with house and barn and pastures and stone walls.
ReplyDeleteAs former city people, we didn't know anything about farming, but we had a philosophy (which actually worked out pretty well).
The animals were fed and watered and kept from wandering off. So far, so good.
Stick seeds in the ground, watch them grow. Excellent.
What we didn't anticipate was that the chickens would hide their eggs and that in the spring we would be knee-deep in baby chicks.
It took us by surprise when the horse, foiled at jumping the pasture fence, figured out a way to wriggle under the lowest bar and munch his way through the garden.
And the goat "helped" with the garden, too, being another born escape artist.
Still, though, it was a good time, and if I had my druthers, I'd live like that again. Preferably with indoor plumbing.
Sarah: where was this 40 acre farm?
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think it's crazy to go back to nature after you've passed, say, forty, at other times I think -- great idea.
Luckily there are only three acres to care for on Ed's farmette. Overwhelming enough, if you ask me.