We sold and donated so many household items! Old lamps, cabinets, appliances, countertops, sinks, anything that has two feet and can walk. So to speak.
Most importantly, though, and making this move possible, is the sale of my condo. What a relief.
Anyone in the Midwest will confirm that today was a step into June weather. A promise that there will be warm days. A glorious, wonderful, sunny moment in the impish month of April.
I had to stop at the farmhouse on my way to work. Ten minutes, I tell myself. Ten minutes to drop off linens and vases. Very necessary.
The floor finishing process is underway and for the next four days I cannot go inside.
And so I direct my attention to the outdoors. Because, really, isn’t the big lure to this location the magnificent outdoors?
...where the blue “glory of the snow” have burst forth...
...and the crocuses are ready to deliver that first jolt of spring color...
The farmette is throbbing with new life. Including the life of the rooster who appears to have set up residence in the old barn. We don’t know why he showed up here – none of the neighbors raise chickens that I know of, but he definitely has settled in.
And, on the side of life’s transitions, we find, in the shadow of the tree limbs, these in the back yard.
I’m back at the condo now – my last Wednesday evening here. I’m looking out at the balcony – the place of many breakfasts... oh! The old grill is there... I need to clean it and truck it over to the farmette. All the years that I lived at the condo, I never knew (until this week) that the rules here do not permit charcoal grills.
Hah. I thought the "rooster" reference in your headline was to Ed!