Friday, February 24, 2012

crazy beautiful

Look outside, Ed tells me.
It’s been a long day. I can’t say that I’m fully awake, but Isis is hopping on and off the couch and his movements finally prod me to come to the mudroom door.

The snow that first was to come, then was to pass us by, appears to have made it here after all. In fact, at midnight, it’s coming down strong. Small pellets of wet snow on a still night.

Want to go skiing?
I consider it, really I do, but I worry that there isn’t enough light. Skip the skis, let's walk.


We walk alright. Up our road...


... turning down the Rustic Road, following it all the way to the Nature Conservancy...


There isn’t a moon – it’s snowing after all, but the night is delicately white. And very very still.


The snow muffles all sound and we hardly hear the car coming down the road, laboriously, slowly. He stops when he sees us.
You folks in trouble? Who else would be out on the roads in this weather at one in the morning.
No no, just enjoying this beautiful night.

We’ve been at it for more than an hour. Time to head back. We both have work in the morning and there was this plan to head north, even as now, the last thing you’d want to do is leave this place that has been so magically transformed.


Maybe it’ll melt quickly.
I hang wet pants and jackets on chairs to dry and glance outside. Still snowing. Crazy night. Crazy beautiful night.


  1. Some of my absolute favorite memories of time spent with my dad (up until this point, anyway) have been late night walks in the quiet of a snowstorm. There is something so perfectly peaceful about fallen, untouched snow, and you conveyed that perfectly. Thanks for the reminder of some great memories!

  2. Amazing images! When I saw the snow falling, I wondered what photos you would produce. Enjoy your trek north.

  3. Sometimes we are blessed with moments that fill us with wonder and joy. I love the quiet calmness of walking in fresh snow. The only thing better is being able to share it with a loved one.

    Your photos are lovely. Thank you.


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