Sunday, September 02, 2012


Most anyone would pick a yoga class by the instructor. Of course. A teacher may really depress your interest in going forth. When Ed and I went to classes some years back, we felt it was like medicine: terrible tasting but good for you. You can’t continue for long on that premise.

But there are many instructors that would work for me. And I need something else: I need proximity and an enjoyable trek over. And so when I search for a yoga lesson, I start close to home. In Fitchburg.  A hop and a skip from the farmhouse.

But first, breakfast. Even as I'm hurrying to get going.

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...while Ed takes his time. 

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And now it's 10:30 and I'm in a class with a group of very adept women. 

The class is a tad fast paced. I’m not so quick that I can slide from down dog to up dog to roll over dog (as you can tell, I’m not that familiar with the terminology). I can’t become a warrior and open my heart and feel the vertebrae sink into the mat all in one fell swoop. And still, I like the poses, I like the language (I had no idea we carry most of our stresses in our hip! Why not – I’ll go along. Out it goes! Good bye stress!), I like the fact that there is plenty of space and the big windows look out on the prairie.

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But what I like best – and this is why I will return, for sure – is that when I get back on Rosie to head home, I am like a different being -- so relaxed that it's as if I can melt right into her in the most comfortable way. We surge forward, with the wind in our faces, the prairie fields flowing to the right, to the left, not much in the way of cars, just Rosie and me, flying home. I do not remember ever enjoying a motorbike ride as much as I enjoyed the one after the yoga class.

Feeling terribly noble (house cleaning before yoga, then the stretches and the movement and the ommmmmm), I retire to the porch and watch the chipmunks play and the humming birds chase each other before me.

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Days like this are heaven sent. Ed and I talk more about building out a front ‘winter deck,’ we read, work, talk some more...

 ...and now it's evening and the grill is heating pieces of charcoal and the mustard, sauerkraut, tomatoes (yes, lots of tomatoes!) are out. My girl and her fiance arrive and we sit out on the porch and eat  chicken brats and local corn and watch the sun go down.

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  1. Ah yes...ommmmmm... Nina, I got two yoga DVDs recently - for older folks with arthritis, and after I did them - the next day I could barely move anything. So that was that. Maybe I should go back to them and try again? Slower this time? You are my inspiration.

  2. Try as I might, on numerous occasions, I can't bring myself to like yoga. I'm sure it has something to do with the setting and feeling like I can't exactly figure out the poses. Bk loves it. I'm glad you found a good place to do it!

  3. I would go to that yoga class just for the view! Lovely. I hope it will help your back. Is this what the Dr. meant by "move more"? I should take it up again....wish I could join your class.

  4. Bex -- go easy and don't give up! If you can't move the next day that's suggestive that you were working muscles and joints that had been sadly inactive, no? But go easy! Just a little goes a long way.

    Sara -- it's hard to be the inexperienced one in the studio. But over the years, even if you go irregularly, you sort of get most of it. Just doing it once in a while is so helpful!

    Barbara -- my doc was very vague. She was addressing back pain which really wasn't back pain but hip joint pain and the directive was to keep on moving and to stay trim. Well okay, but that's so vague as to be not helpful! Diane suggested I reconsider yoga. So I'm reconsidering it and somehow, this time, it feels right.
    Maybe on Monday when you two are in town, we could do a class...

  5. By the photo I'd guess the studio is part of or next to Rejuvenation Spa. Yes? I love Blackbird Family Yoga in Middleton. While it requires the car, I get 30 minutes for adult yoga and then 30 minutes of toddler yoga. Those first 30 minutes are amazing, and the perfect way to start my Friday "day off". If you can, would you let me know the name of the studio. Was recently given a gift certificate for Spa Finder, and sadly Sundara no longer accepts them. So, I am searching for a yoga studio in town that does...ideally one with child care.


  6. Melinda - it's Perennial Yoga, off of Fish Hatchery. Give 'em a call!

  7. I'm with Barbara...that space would inspire me to keep coming....yes to the monday idea!! namaste

  8. You are right on with the hip info. For my birthday I gave myself some time with a trainer last spring, and he worked constantly on beating the bejeezus out of my hips, sometimes by rolling over a (very hard) lacrosse ball. Yes and double yes. Work on the hips and related musculature, to counteract those hours sitting and moving a mouse around.

  9. George H - damn those hip joints! I mean, what did I ever do to them? Nothing? Oh, oops...
    Anyway, I'm into yoga now. Even as the NYT trashed it back in January (search hint: "NYT: yoga is bad for you").


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