Thursday, June 27, 2013

jump skip

Just a heads up to those who read Ocean in the late hours of the American evening: I'm going to push posting onto my morning, which is your middle of the night. I really tortured myself silly by insisting on finishing my post last night -- I finally did it, at 2:30 in the morning and of course, I was up at 7, feeling like I had just come over on a transatlantic flight -- dazed and wishing I had had more sleep.

So, a tad later, but a lot saner on my part.  I'll be back -- after I pick up some hours of missed sleep.


  1. I feel your pain, Nina. Rest up.

  2. A good decision, we are always here night or morning. Sleep well.

  3. Nina, thanks for giving your regular readers this update. I usually read your posts as I ready myself for sleep; perhaps I now will wake up with you, instead.


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