My day today is devoted to cooking for my daughter's Saturday shower, at the same time that I have ongoing communications with my sister over details of administrative matters we're attending to in Poland (or rather she is attending to, since I am merely a shadow to these transactions). And so I jump between Poland and the shower and my girls and the girl that's about to be born and in fact, it's not a great leap at all.
I especially love one song on the record (it's a vinyl!), even as these days, it makes me cry. Each time. Total nostalgia. Click here to listen (and ignore the unfortunate photo someone used for the youtube link. The record actually has lovely sketches of children on it.)
Here's the real record cover, dating back to 1975:

I'll post the lyrics throughout today's entry. Polish pop music was, in those decades, very sensual and poetic. Quite different than what you'd be hearing here in the 70s. The translations are my own.
Dziewczyno, żono zakochana
Dziewczyno przy nadziei
Popatrz dokoła, jak od rana
Świat się do ciebie śmieje
[Young woman, wife -- in love
Young woman with hope
Look around you, from early morning
The world is smiling at you]
Jesteś - idąca miejskim świtem -
Natchnieniem tego wiersza
W swojej sukience śpiesznie szytej
W swojej sukience śpiesznie szytej
[You are - walking in the city's predawn -
The inspiration for this poem
In your dress, hurriedly sewn
In your dress, hurriedly sewn
The most beautiful]

(we wake up to a dusting of snow)
Dziewczyno, żono, przyszła mamo
Dziewczyno, mamo przyszła
Która oglądasz siebie samą
W lustrach ulicznych wystaw
[Young woman, wife, future mother
Young woman, mother of tomorrow
You, who looks at herself
in the mirrors of store windows]
I myślisz, idąc białym światem
Ach, kiedyż będę lżejsza
Ty jesteś zimą, wiosną, latem
Ty jesteś zimą, wiosną, latem
[You think, as you walk in the predawn light
Oh, when will I be lighter
You are in the winter, spring and summer
You are in the winter, spring and summer
The most beautiful]

(breakfast, with Ed and his visiting co-op days friend)
Na naszym piętrze nowina
Na naszym piętrze nowina
Już niedługo u sąsiadów
Już niedługo u sąsiadów
Narodzi się, narodzi się
Narodzi się dziecina
[On our floor, there' s news
On our floor, there's news
Soon at our neighbor's
Soon at our neighbor's
A child will be born, will be born
Will be born]

(looking out the kitchen window as I cook)
Dziewczyno, zakochana żono
Mąż twoje włosy gładzi
Na niebie dobre gwiazdy płoną
I ludzie są wam radzi
[Young woman, wife in love
Your husband smooths your hair
In the sky, the good stars shine down on you
And the world is your friend]

(fennel blood orange walnut salad)
Wyszywasz kwiaty na fartuchu
I czekasz dnia powicia
Mąż ukląkł przy twym pełnym brzuchu
Mąż ukląkł przy twym pełnym brzuchu
Słucha życia
[You sew flowers on your apron
And you wait for the day
Husband kneels by your full stomach
Husband kneels by your full stomach
And listens to life]

(carrot tahini chick pea pistachio salad)
Na naszym piętrze nowina
Na naszym piętrze nowina
Już niedługo u sąsiadów
Już niedługo u sąsiadów
Narodzi się, narodzi się
Narodzi się dziecina
[On our floor, there' s news
On our floor, there's news
Soon at our neighbor's
Soon at our neighbor's
A child will be born, will be born
Will be born]
Tomorrow is a very full day, but I'll be back with at least a quick synopsis. Bitter cold out there tonight. Stay snug!
Love the way you put the entry together. Very creative! Food looks delicious. Nice view from kitchen. Hoping tomorrow makes for good memories and happy times. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteIt's really not all that similar, but for some reason the beginning of that song conjured up for me the beginning of the song 'Army Dreamers' by Kate Bush. Have a wonderful shower tomorrow (today!)
ReplyDeleteOh, your salads are beautiful! Colorful! Interesting combinations! How much love you are putting into this day with your girls and your girl-becoming.
ReplyDeleteI am thinking of you on your special family day as I cook for a visit to my mother tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThis post was especially lovely because as I scrolled and read, I was serenaded. What an exquisite voice! It's hard to believe this was considered Pop music in the 70s. It’s so elegant.
ReplyDeleteI’ve smiled a lot today thinking of the festivities at the farmette.
BTW, this is what we were listening to in the 70s. *laughing* (Blondie and Fleetwood Mac, too, whom I still love)
Stevie Nicks, yeah! Irene, you'd be glad to know that our younger generation is all into Stevie Nicks. To the extent that...on one of their girls' night reunions, they all went to Marshalls and bought fringey shawls so they could Stevie-dance!
DeleteWhat I take from this is: I wish my high school and college friends and I had kept in touch like they have ! And had this much fun! We were SO busy being SO grown up.
Also....never too late to reconnect. I may be inspired.
I was lucky enough to have a beau who opened me up to a lot of different types of music especially folk and jazz. I loved Woody Guthrie (Bob Dylan's idol), John Lee Hooker, Thelonious Monk, Jackie Wilson, and later folks like Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, Pheobe Snow and Rickie Lee Jones. Still can listen to them and feel good. I lost my desire to keep current with music in the 90s. It just made little sense to me. Now I really don't understand current music. I just listen to classical or chanting monks!
ReplyDeleteOh, Rickie Lee Jones! I had her in my head but didn't remember her name! Yay! Thanks, Nora. I'll update my "kitchen playlist".
ReplyDeleteJoy, Maybe that is what I am missing-music in the kitchen!
ReplyDeleteI love playing my CD/radio player that sits underneath the upper cabinets, in the kitchen. If I'm not in the mood for cooking, putting on an upbeat CD will do the trick.
ReplyDeleteNina, this was, indeed, one of your best entries. Loved the song.