Thursday, December 18, 2014


I was so dismayed at seeing a gray sky again today that I decided I needed to sign up for yoga to clear my head of grumpy thoughts about the meteorological conditions out there.

Perhaps you remember that not too long ago, I was a yoga fanatic. And like all phases and crazy devotions, the rigid adherence to a regular yoga schedule ended one day, just like that. It was an intended temporary lull but it turned into a permanent abstinence.

Right now, it's not the exercise I miss, but it's the twisting and turning in weird ways which seems to really help put me in good stead to face whatever skies I wake up to. In other words, the theory is: I will resume yoga and you will stop having to listen to my complaints about the dreary weather. That's the theory.

There are issues to confront: I have been with a frozen shoulder (for the second time in recent years, so I know the drill) for many weeks now and if you have ever had this tiny inconvenience of not being able to bend your arm in even the most useful directions, you'll sympathize. So I don't quite know how yoga works when you only have one functional shoulder. My reasoning is that if I could face travel and hoisting suitcases into overhead compartments with one functional arm, I can probably manage a class of yoga. I love challenges that don't have great consequences in case I fail!

I write all this not because I have now signed up for my yoga classes (maybe tomorrow!), but simply to let you know that I am doing something about my attitude toward the skies above and so if things go according to plan, perhaps this is the last time that I will write the following:

What a dreary day it is out there!

I again was the cheeper morning release girl today, as Ed has been working on his mechanical invention late into the night and I feel sorry for him come daybreak.





Our breakfast is very nice indeed, but again, you'll have predicted as much.


After, I ask him for help with forms. Ed is very patient with deciphering what bureaucracies expect of us and I am facing one of the most complicated bureaucracies out there in trying to apply for a visa to a foreign travel destination in August. I am a child born to bureaucracy (I would describe post war Poland as scoring high in this area) and yet this particular one (it shall remain nameless for now) really stumped me.

So we shuffled forms and papers and finally, at long last made progress. That was my morning.

Beyond that, I had two lovely outings today. You probably have those days as well when you hate to hoist yourself out of a chair to get going but when you do, you have no regrets. Indeed! A cup of tea with a friend (who used to be and will soon become again my yoga buddy) was more satisfying than I could possibly describe. And later, Ed and I went to the final local farmers' market of the year - indeed, the final one until spring. In many ways, it made me think that spring is not too far away. But in case it's longer than it seems, we stocked up on spinach, onions, beets and cheese -- the kind of stuff you can still find in a winter's market here.



And finally, now is the time to put on some chipper music and celebrate the wonderfulness of having a warm evening at home!


  1. I so wish you could have had our splendid break with sun this week. Returning to yoga sounds like a good idea, shoulder and all. I have a very dear friend who attends adaptive yoga classes designed especially for those who need to adapt yoga to their body's limitations, and I have sometimes gone with her. It's a great class.

    1. Adapt yoga, I have never heard of this. I will have to look into it. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

    2. Yes -- makes sense. But I wont go to anything that isn't easy to get to... I'm likely to live within my limitations in my place around the corner...

  2. I'm intrigued about which country would have such complicated forms. My sister practices immigration law and might know people to help if you get to the point where you need that. I saw a glimpse of a sunrise today…progress!

    1. Thank you! I made it through the documents! It will be an interesting trip, that's for sure -- one I think you might enjoy sometime in the future as well.

  3. A very dark and featureless sky again here today in Ohio. Looking out the window, it's brown and gray and I don't see anything pleasing.

    I have two approaches to this: one is to GO somewhere, the world is not so drear when you're out in it! and you, of course, know this better than anyone. That was your approach yesterday and it sounded successful.

    The other approach was my choice yesterday, I closed the drapes on the dismal view, turned on ALL the lights, made lasagna, and the way I make it is a BIG production. and I cranked up the music and edited my playlists as we went along. I harmonized loudly with The Band, I played some old down and dirty blues, I experimented with dancing the way I saw girls dancing in a bar last weekend. I wondered, how do they make their top half do that and the bottom half do THAT? and I found out at age 62 that I can do it too. Only when I'm home alone, right?? for sure.

    You have to expect that coming from Paris to this dismal stretch of weather could be a huge comedown. You remember it was gray and chilly there too, only then you found it beautiful. I know you have the gift of looking for beauty and seeing beauty, but don't expect that from yourself ALL the time.

    I recommend a big cheery tree next year, and just tell Ed it's a pagan thing, which it is, and he'll be agreeable. :)

    Yoga is a great idea. I also recommend the underwater classes. Your body is more flexible and you extend your range of motion. I stopped going in mid-November (one week a snowstorm, next week I had a cold, next week Thanksgiving) until I ran out of excuses and realized that I had just stopped. Well, I forgive myself and know that I will restart in the new year.

    Dear Nina, sometimes you can allow yourself to go ahead and "waller" - a hilarious word from a Southern friend of mine, means "wallow". Take a little time out for a waller. :) Sometimes you just pull yourself up - simple gifts like food and warmth, music and company turn on our own lights.

    1. Great post! I believe I can waller at times.

    2. Beautifully described, JoyD. You have such a lovely way of moving in and out of yourself in these musing. Just lovely.

  4. I recommend a medial professional in physical therapy who will figure out exactly where the problem is and prescribe precise exercises. I emailed you the name of the UW person who gave me exercises (after I fell on my hip cross-country skiing last winter). I wouldn't rely on the hit-or-miss of whatever is in the yoga class. When it's something specific, find out what the specific exercises are. This really is science, with reliable professionals.

    1. Sure, I agree, but 1. the yoga is more for my head and 2. I did therapy on my OTHER frozen shoulder: useless. Really waste of time. I'll do my own stretches this time.

  5. Gray daze....we have one here today accompanied by rain. Nice photos of the peepers as always. They look so healthy. Nice to stock up. I guess you freeze the spinach?

    1. No, we eat a huge amount of spinach in winter. It's the only veggie that grows year round here! We actually belong to a spinach CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) -- meaning we prepay for winter spinach delivered to us every other week. Love the stuff: raw, steamed, sauteed -- in all ways!

    2. I love spinach too. As a wee one that was one of my primary veggies. Darn, I wish I had a greenhouse like my dad did. Grows all year...did not know that.

      PT useless on your frozen shoulder. Ouch. I know one can be put through hell in PT. I decided against it yesterday and I am returning to the DC. Now if I have no improvement then I may try PT.

  6. "I did therapy on my OTHER frozen shoulder: useless. Really waste of time."

    But did you go to my guy?


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