Ah, but she must always share January, because on the 19th, thirty years ago, my little girl was born.

(and now she is 30)
And with multiple twists and surprises, her husband arranged a weekend of wonderful moments, including a chance for her family to gather on this day for a celebratory lunch. I hosted it -- at the farmhouse. Her dad drove up as well and so with Ed, we were eight: daughters with husbands, the older folk and of course little Snowdrop.
A brunch (or is it lunch if it's at noon?) of this magnitude takes time to prepare and so I was up until midnight and then again before dawn... (yes, Ed, I'll surely let the cheepers out!)

(hey, why are we up so early??)
... baking the requested cake (an old family favorite: almond, orange and chocolate) and, too, brioche loaves...

... roasting potatoes (these herbs grow magnificently all winter long on my eastern window sill):

... with a pause for a morning pre-breakfast with Ed, in the sun room:

Then back to the real meal prep -- plating all those baked goods, along with a brussel sprout and bacon frittata, plus the usual cheeses, melons, prosciuttos and celebratory beverages.

It was little Snowdrop's first party and first outing to someplace other than a doctor's office and of course, she radiated charm!

aunt, little Snowdrop, mom

in uncle's arms
Politely, she slept through the meal, so that the adults could engage in banter (we are known for an endless string of teases)...
She let everyone have a turn at holding her (there definitely was a line for that!), but was equally content to sit (well, more like slump) in her bouncy chair...

And so the party continued and my little girl opened gifts and blew out all 31 candles (in Poland, we always stick an extra one for the year ahead)...

... and it was such a joyous set of hours that I cannot fully grasp how a day could be this beautiful.
Just a few more photos -- because they conjure up moments of such tenderness for me...

mom, dad, little Snowdrop

aunt, uncle, little Snowdrop
Happy birthday, youngest daughter of mine! Yes, you are still my little one, no matter how many grand-babies perch on my lap!

And thank you, both of you, for driving such great distances to spend these precious hours with us!

Aw! Especially love the pic of the 4 of you together, especially with that splash of color from your apron. Such a happy picture!
ReplyDeleteIt's a Polish apron, but I call it my Wonder bread apron! Have used it for decades!
DeleteThe abundance of joy and smiles and happiness and family and love - I am so happy for you and your family. You words are giddy with goodness and make me happy happy happy too. Love.
ReplyDeleteAh, you know well the concept of family love! :)
Which picture do I like the best? Tough choice! Snowdrop with mom and dad? Snowdrop with mom and aunt (is she waving at the camera?)? Snowdrop in her carseat (looks like she has angel wings!)? Snowdrop with the three big girls? Brunch table can't compete with Snowdrop but it sure looks great too!
ReplyDeleteAnxious to complete the album: Snowdrop and her other grandmother!
DeleteAm enjoying the warmth and love. xxxxx
ReplyDeleteThank you Bex. I know you hve the same thing going at Crow Cottage.
What a beautiful day! Lovely sunrise to start and wonderful company, memories and food to end. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sara. You have the boys, I have the girls, but in the end, the memories (and the food!) are the same!
DeleteEverything Charlotte said. :)
ReplyDelete....and I'm thinking maybe little Snowdrop looks like her Daddy. Does anyone else see that?
Yes, from day one, I thought, we all thought she had her father's face. Which will please Charlotte enormously. :)
DeleteOops! Forgot to say happy birthday to your beautiful younger daughter. Happy Belated Birthday!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks from the recovering-from-a-weekend-of-celebration girl!
DeleteHappy 30 with the extra candle and happy two weeks. What a beautiful set of family photos.
ReplyDeleteYou and I have both had a weekend of family. So important, at so many moments in life.
DeleteStickin' with you down there in Florida through a tough set of days. Looking forward to the arrival of your grandson soon!
Happy, happy birthday(s)! What a wonderful and delicious-looking celebration! Is little Snowdrop settling into the rhythm of days and nights yet? What a beloved little girl she is!
ReplyDeleteHow do you make your Brussels Sprout and Bacon Fritatta? My husband always compliments your meals and asked me if I would make this one for him!