As predicted, we are getting hammered by a good old fashioned blizzard. For February 1st, that's hardly news up here in Wisconsin, though this year it is indeed a show stopper -- it's the first major snowstorm of the winter.
Of course, I hoped there would be snow. You feel (or at least I feel) really cheated when the winter drags on without it. But, it is a ferocious storm with gales and the usual drifting snow.
Over breakfast, we talk about trying to ski later this morning...

... but a few adventurous moments outside (with futile attempts at clearing paths) convinces us to wait at least until tomorrow. It really is menacing out there!

Plans for this afternoon and evening change dramatically in various complicated ways for little Snowdrop's parents. Instead of hosting the baby and in part the mom this evening, I end up driving to their place while Snowdrop's dad braves the weather out on the highways for a necessary trip south.
So the good news is that I have a lovely bit of time with little Snowdrop and her mom.

The less than perfect news is that I have to leave the trusty but very rusty Ford up many blocks from where they live and of course, moving around in a blizzard is exceptionally awkward. But, I manage a roundtrip without slipping into a ditch or getting stuck in a snowbank so I am much relieved.
Art home, I make tomato bisque and bake cornbread, thinking that any leftovers (of the bread) would be popular with the cheepers tomorrow. They're in for a very cold night tonight!
We are having our second blizzard in a week. All those dog paths Paul shoveled last week are filed in completely now, we must have gotten 2 more feet of snow since yesterday. He just shoveled them all out again, for the 3rd time in 2 weeks... and by morning will have to do it yet again! This is getting real old... winter... I am so ready for SPRING TO ARRIVE!
ReplyDeleteFor us, spring is so far away (the trees don't typically throw out their plump buds until around my birthday, which is in the second half of April!) that I can't get on that bandwagon just yet. It would be too frustrating. In February, I'll still embrace winter. In March, I do get sick of it!
DeleteThe blizzard doesn't even keep you home for a day, eh Nina?
ReplyDeleteWell, the snowstorm we expected turned out to be only rain. I am just a bit disappointed. Last Saturday at the market it was so packed with snowstorm- stockers, and all of us were in the BEST mood! Patient, polite, smiling. (Ohio default mode). All just kind of excited, happy to be making preparations for home-time. My brother, three hours to the north, had 16 inches at his house yesterday. Already today they're out running around, stopping by to see Mom at the physical rehab center.
She is in GREAT spirits! She is feeling like their star pupil. Liking all the social interaction that she had shunned in recent years.
Ohio people may be patient, polite and smiling. Wisconsin people brave winter storms! :)
DeleteFabulous photo of Snowdrop - the last one with her eyes full of wonder and curiosity.
ReplyDeleteI could feel the chill of the swirling snow. BRRRRRR
In addition to fresh flowers, I've noticed you and Ed eat the yummiest freshest most colorful bowls of fruit each day. How wonderful!
You are so right! I cannot imagine breakfast without those bowls of fruit! I miss that when I travel! (I hope that you got a dusting of snow on the mountain -- not more, not less...)
DeletePlenty of new snow on top of old snow in Buffalo too. Hope Snowdrop has a snowsuit so she can go out in the snow, curious about everything as she looks to be.