(I do love that early golden light...)

(What's blooming? Take a look at what's about to take off! Each bud is a day's blossom of course...)

The cheepers, like me, are up early. (Or is it that I'm up early because of them?) Today, Ed joins us in these young minutes of the day. Truthfully, he was so engrossed in his work that he did not go to sleep until after sunrise and then only for a couple of hours. He would be the opposite of a "sun person." He sleeps when he has the inclination for it and not when the sun tells him it's time.
The girls walk together in the morning. I don't know why.

I always think they look so cool -- like a pack of best friends out to see the world (or the front yard as the case may be).

We're back to warm weather and a bit of a tighter schedule for Ed and myself (because it's Friday). Still, my friends join us for breakfast. It's not a farmhouse rule, but it is a tradition. You go along if you like it. Most people passing through here like it.

And then I am with Snowdrop. It's a hot day again and I do not wait long to go out with her.
She spots my motorcycle and shows some interest in it. Okay Snowdrop -- meet rosie.

We walk to the distant coffee shop... (Find the high chair, Snowdrop! Kids so love repetition...)

And then, as always, she chooses to stay out of the stroller. Here's a classic Snowdrop wave:

An easy way to keep that smile on her face: let her push the stroller.

I suggest the small local park by the lesser lake (a boat plows the weeds so that recreational lake people can make use of the waters...)

... and Snowdrop's happy enough -- runs right down into the water...

Enjoys being barefoot...

Enjoys the swing...

But I think the heat is just a little too intense, because she does not insist that we stay. A few minutes later, we're on our way home again.
In the afternoon, my friend Diane and I head out for a walk. Just the two of us -- to the shady Arboretum.

I've been to this place maybe fifty times and out of all these visits, only about half a dozen have been without incident. Today was not one of those without incident. Oh, we started strong! But within an hour, we were lost and it was my fault. Here's my forgiving friend, on the porch, many hours later...

Dinner? Oh, Thai take out. On the porch.

Late into the night. And this, of course, is super late for someone who thinks herself to be a sun person.
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