After breakfast of course.

A morning, washed away by useless (for us) weather. But, I filed all necessary documents for my share of the jackpot in the Equifax Credit Monitoring Breach Settlement: if all goes well, I will get some fraction of $125! The morning was not a total wash!
In the afternoon, I pick up Snowdrop, who would very much like to show you how heavy her backpack is.

In an unusual twist to our routines, I take her straight to the Fitchburg Farmers Market. It's a special one: kids are the focus of it. There are wagon rides, crafts, treats. For Snowdrop, there is the double fun of being allowed to climb onto Farmer Natalie's truck to pick a huge number of tomatoes for our freezer. It's all great fun for her! As Natalie said to me -- Snowdrop is just like her grandma -- all smiles and happiness! I consider it the greatest compliment to be viewed in the same league as this:
(a ride)


(cheese curds!)

(making a spider..)

(another ride!)

And toward evening, there is Storybook Ballet.

The day ends quietly. Meditatively. Autumnally.
This is one special child, brings a smile to my face.