I can sit back now and reflect on the process itself (hmmm...maybe I should wait until she moves in on Monday...). About all the good people that I worked with -- I mean, really good people, both in county government and in the taxed and stressed but you'd never know it medical services. About my least favorite part of it all. No, not the carrying lifting and loading. Not the hours of time spent on shuffling papers. Hands down, the toughest was going through all of my mom's stuff, every folder, paper and acquired item and deciding what to toss, sell, give away, take. Take note all you aging readers! Tear it up and toss it away. You don't need half of what you think you need.
Breakfast is very early. "Two moving people and a borrowed truck" have a job to do!

We pick up the truck and drive to our storage unit on the outskirts of the city. Loading the truck is tricky. There is just enough room for it all. Well, one of the chairs sort of towers over everything, but still, we're good!

It's a scant ten minute drive from storage to mom's new place. Rural scenery. On a beautiful, sunny day.

Time to unload the truck!
You know gorgeous, I think we lost that chair...
Indeed! It's gone. Fell off along the way. We find it later in a ditch. Shattered. Good thing we stuck to quiet rural roads!
I'm so very glad that part of the move is behind us.
We haul her stuff to the unit, set up some of the mechanicals and take off. I'll unpack tomorrow. This afternoon, I'm back at the farmette with Snowdrop.
She is (at first) a disappointed little girl. The shed cats are out and about and she wants with all her heart to befriend at least one of them. There are barn cats that grow tame with age. We've seen them on nearby farms. The guys here are not quite there yet. Ed and I can pet most of them, but not at our whim. And this little girl is a whole new kettle of fish. They run if she approaches.

We suggest she meets them in their home turf -- the shed. She's willing. She wants to move all her toys into the shed and wait for them here!

She is eventually appeased with one cat gazing curiously at her from a short distance. I tell her that over time, they'll be as used to her as they are to the cheepers who cross their path (and who, by the way, love having Snowdrop in their midst).

In the evening, Ed and I eat take out Chinese food. In a crazy busy day, you need to make room for some slight extravagance. Something that can celebrate the good and healthy in all of us.
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