Still a bit cold in the morning, so we eat breakfast in the kitchen.

The grandkids come over soon after. Oftentimes one child's mood rubs off on the other, so that if one is boisterous, the other will be equally spirited. But today they diverged. Sparrow was giddy with mirth. Snowdrop came with a giggle...

But then grew subdued.
He was easy to please (I had just finished giving him a haircut...).

She struggled to "find her stride" (what does that mean, gaga? it means it's difficult for you to jump into something that clicks, that feels right.)
But eventually, it comes together for her.

And Sparrow? He just keeps on truckin'!

As I drop them off at their (equally isolated) home, Snowdrop loses herself in the joy of unrestricted flower picking. The dandelions are out!

Sparrow, want to try your hand at picking? No? How about holding?

Sunshine brings out the best in all of us.
In the early afternoon, I do a "curbside pickup" of one more load of annuals and herbs from Natalie's Greenhouse. She is buoyant! People have been ordering online in large numbers. Things are looking okay!
At home, I concentrate on planting stuff. A peony here, a lavender there, a phlox in that corner, alyssum seeds in this pot. Ed and I move another tree trunk onto the porch and I place Natalie's beautiful basket on it. Oh, spring! You do your damnedest to boost us up! Thank you for this day!

The last days of April rarely disappoint.

Oh, sure, there were the slugs to the day. There were several issues to resolve for my mom. Too, my constant hand washing (from handling purchases) has my hands feeling like cardboard. And the news -- it's a given that if you follow closely the news of the world, you will feel the weight of the troubles faced by so many right now.
Still, we're all working toward the same goal: to find joy, to feel love, to move forward. We got a little boost from the weather gods today, that's for sure!
Dinner? A slab of fish from the Sitka Salmon Fish Shares, some pretty old looking asparagus, and the most remarkable oyster and shiitake mushrooms on the planet! (Thank you, FungiFarmers!)
And thank you to so many others. Today, scientists were on my mind. Our future, in their hands. Thank you for, well, everything.
With love.
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