Probably low on your list would be barrelling in a car through torrential rain and booming thunder on a highway, where you really can't see much and the noise of the rain is so deafening that even the thunder claps seem tame.
And yet -- I'd say this crazy ride was a highlight for Snowdrop. (And since she was squealing with delight, her brother went along, casting only the occasional nervous eye at the pelting rain outside.)
The day did not start out wet. Instead, it began with a sticky heat wave. (I'm keeping an eye out for the next blooms. Here's one of the pretty groupings...)

The kind of morning where you probably would not choose to eat breakfast outside. Unless you're us.

When the kids come, I have to do a little arm twisting to start off on a nature hike. I promise that they can pick a few California poppies in the meadow...

... and yes, even a couple of sweet pea stems.

The AC is definitely on in the farmhouse. Nothing outrageous -- we rarely bring it down below 75, and yet it feels heavenly cool as compared to the sticky mess outside.

What's on our plate at Gaga's Summer School? Well, in this particular school, the kids have a say in the curriculum. We do a lot of reading -- first choice for both -- and then they vote for free play. I'm fine with that. It's Monday -- Snowdrop especially has missed her various story setups. Eventually I bring them around to geography.
Here, it gets difficult. I think the idea of different countries and different cultures is still a bit nebulous to a boy freshly turned two. Still, we persevere. I mean, the young mind is a sponge, right? (Snowdrop told me last week that my "sponge" was getting old and therefore my memory was bound to be less good than hers.)
We finish. We do some addition puzzles. The rains begin. We rush to the car and drive out into the monsoon-like storms.
In the evening, the thunder rumbles somewhere out there, but the rains move on. The animals come out of hiding. I'm thinking -- it will be time to do some weeding again. But not today. We don't load chores onto a Monday eve. Reheat the shrimp with green mole. Pop a few tortillas into the toaster. Stir up some of last week's rainbow chard with onion, garlic, balsamic. Look at the news one last time then turn it all off.
And here's a transition into a totally calm evening: FaceTime with Primrose in Chicago!

(It's fun to see that their CSA box is not hugely different from ours. Primrose is really loving the first peas of the season! Along with her veggie burger.)

After, Ed and I sit on the steps of the porch surrounded by our brave teenage cats who have been chased out of the courtyard by swallows swooping down on them to protect their young cheeps. We watch the brilliant dance of fireflies...
And exhale.
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